Holistic Development
Winds have been flowing from one decade to another, from one era to another, bringing new concepts to old theories and ideas. Teaching must keep pace with this path of change to implement new or modified methods of the teaching-learning process to suit the day's requirements. This is how we think at Sahara International School, Ladwa.
Sahara International School has a unique program in which each class goes on a trip to a different location once a year. Expeditions and trekking are also being considered shortly. Lower-class students, i.e., primary school students, will be required to stay on campus for a night or two. During this event, all teachers stay with the students and participate in various activities such as dance, music, story-telling, and puzzles.
The goal of these activities is to increase confidence in youngsters while also allowing them to go away from their parents and have fun. During these days, the school assumes all of the responsibilities. The school makes all of the arrangements for boarding and accommodation. On each student's birthday, the school wishes them "Happy Birthday." The students will also commemorate the school's birthday with a large party. The goal of all such exercises is for students to gain self-confidence and develop a dynamic personality.
The traditional principles of teaching and learning do not apply to a child's education. When a child's 360-degree development needs are addressed, schooling is truly completed. Our goal is to develop responsible people who will continue to learn throughout their lives.